He was at it again tonight. So I put him in time out on the couch.
He decided he didn't want to be in time out so got off the couch.
I said "YOGI..." he turned around looked at me and decided he did want to be on the couch after all. He heaved a mighty sigh and curled up next to me.
After a few minutes of him being quiet I asked Katt if it was time for him to come out of his time out and she agreed. I then asked if he wanted to go outside and he went from grumpy to omg yes yes yes let me out lemme out lemme out! I wanna go out out out! He was prancing about so now he's outside.
He so did not want me to take photos today. I can't believe in a week we'll be on day 200. That's exciting.
Wait. Time out. On the couch. Not at the window
barking my head off. I don't think I like this!

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