As you can see by the heading for this post, I am indeed going away for 1 - 3 weeks, leaving tomorrow afternoon. I'll try and get a post up before (my daughter) Jodie, my (grandson) Harley and I leave Adelaide for *sunny* Victoria. Sadly I must leave Yogi Da Cavachon and Yattie Da Evil Cat home here... but they'll have the best of care from Auntie Anne whilst I'm away interstate for the birth of my 1st Great Grandson/s (could be twins) :) Needless to say neither Yattie nor Yogi would be welcome in the hospital..although I know they'd love to visit :)
Awww I don't wanna hear you're going away Mummy..who's gonna look after me and Yattie Da Evil Cat??
Auntie Anne is gonna look after me? (I mean us?) I gonna use my eye-powered-cuteness to make you come home real soon again!! you think Auntie Anne will let me take my Big Yellow Ball? I think I'll ask her when Mummy's not looking :)
For once I will just drop a note asking for help. Urgently need any one who can help us help a friend with a dog missing in Blogville. I am not in the US and have tried Facebook and Tweet but some of you may know people in the state. Details on my blog. Thank you thank you thank you.