Friday, June 1, 2012

Le Sigh (Day 103)

Been a pretty miserable day today. Hasn't quite rained but it's been cold. Was spitting when Sarah and I went out on our walk this morning. 5 days now we've met up at 645 and gone for an almost 30 min walk. Once Yogi can walk on a loose lead I might start taking him along sometimes. Just gotta get him to that point. 

He's busy at the moment going between me and Katt with Muffles. He wants to play. He's so cute with his little growls of 'pay attention to me' 'play with me' 'give me treats'. He is just the cutest little Yogi Bear. I can hear him growling at Katt at the moment as she's on the phone. He's probably trying to get her to say "Panda." I still crack up every time I hear or see the word Panda. "Can you say Pan-da?" runs through my head. Katt's on the phone at the moment he's just sitting there growling at her. Probably hoping in her absentmindedness of not paying attention to him that he'll get treats. I was thinking last night that it was funny the way he seems to have trained her. He stands up with his paws on her arm and growls. She reaches for the treats. I'm sure she knows what she's doing but sometimes she seems to do it when she's busy concentrating on something else. She gave him two treats and now he's still growling for more. 

I think I hear the treat drawer

I think Mummy's getting treats out!

*sigh* It wasn't the treat drawer:(

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