Thursday, August 16, 2012

Wet Dog (Day 179)

There's a weather warning out here today so Yogi hasn't been anywhere apart from the vets. I don't know if he's even been outside. The poor thing has a cast iron bladder. 

Don't tell him but Mummy's going away for a couple of days. He's going to end up sleeping with me or Aunty Karen. Seeing no-one is going to be smoking while Katt's away I'll probably leave my door open and he can go in and out as he chooses. Seeing I know he'll miss Mummy. As long as he promises not to pee on my bed. The other day he squatted like he was going to poop on my bed! I shooed him out quick smart. I don't think I would have forgiven pooping quite as quickly as I did his peeing. 

Suitcases everywhere at the moment. Aunty Karen's got hers in the lounge room (that's what happens when youre guest room is the sofa bed in the lounge) and Katt's got hers ready to throw in the back of her daughters car when they head over to Vic. 

Yogi's snoozing away on a couple of pillows curled up happy as he can be when the weather sucks as much as it does. 

I got to ask you a serious question, okay?

Does my bum look big in this?

I'm scared my pillow fort makes my bum look big.

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